martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

Doll Festa Bcn 2012 part 0

I know that i had been completely out the last weeks...But i had a really good reason!  I was busy organizing the Doll Festa in Barcelona, it was hard organize something living in a different country! 
 As soon as possible I´ll make a post about it with pictures...(sadly i couldn´t  take any, so i need to ask for permission before posting!)
If you want to read more about the event, Mademoisselle Blythe made a nice post on her blog!

2 comentarios:

  1. great post honey, i really love it and I want to see the pictures!


  2. Pues ya me muero de ganas de ver las fotos, y no se porque no me sorprende que no hicieras ni una! xDDDDDDDDDD


Thank you for you comments!
Don´t feel shy about doing it...I appreciate everyone of them and I'll answer on your blog or by mail any question!
I promise I'll visit your blog too!

♥Tamar S.S.♥