sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

Suehiro Maruo

Have you ever heard about Suehiro Maruo? He is my fav japanese illustrator, many of Maruo's illustrations depict graphic sex and violence and are therefore referred to as contemporary muzan-e (a subset of Japanese ukiyo-e depicting violence or other atrocities.)

 His stories often take place in the early years of Showa Era Japan (1926–1945). Maruo also has a fascination with human oddities, deformities, birth defects, and "circus freaks." I find his job amazing, deep and full of shades...sometimes I can see a close connection between his histories and how I see the life...Beautiful and cruel at the same time. That´s one of the reasons I had few of his ilustrations tattoed on my arm.

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♥Tamar S.S.♥